Eligibility Verification
Most of the offices do not have enough time to carry out the verification process or their staff are not skilled enough to handle this efficiently. Little do they know that this can lead to a situation where you don’t get paid for the services you provide. Out of all the practices we took over most of them had a higher patient AR than the standards resulting in a lot of bad debts.
Some of our clients, before they approached us, have even considered selling their practice to bigger networks because they were finding it hard to break even. When we gave them a practice analysis they were surprised that if the numbers on the patient balance were collected they would have made profits.
We help you eliminate the losses as we work on your schedule every day to see if the patients you see have their insurance active and what exactly they owe you for the visit. Sometimes it is not just the co-pay. They may have a deductible that is not met, so you must know what to collect to avoid bad debts at the end of the day.
For the service you offer, we know you don’t deserve to have losses.