CPT and ICD Coding

With the busy schedule you are in you would have little time to know what codes have been deleted and what’s new. This might not sound important to you as you have a lot of other things that you need to be constantly updating yourself on to provide quality healthcare services to your patients.

This is also most important for the practice as your reimbursements are directly proportional to your codes.

With the team of American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC) certified coders we make this easier for you. We constantly let you know the current changes. Having a certified coder not only helps you with this but also a lot with picking up the right codes but also the right levels.

Some providers might under code some might overcode a service, but a coder gets into the charts and reviews it to make sure the level billed corresponds to the records documented. Also, they make sure that the modifiers are appended appropriately to ensure the denials are minimal.

We know that each practice has its pattern they follow for their reimbursements, we also make sure that the pattern is right and if there are avenues to increase your reimbursements by the use of additional codes that would correspond to the records.

Here is what a certified coder can do:

  • Adjudicate claims for accurate medical coding for procedures, diagnosis and place of services
  • Check to see if the codes billed abide by the rules and regulations including compliance and reimbursement.
  • A coding professional can better handle issues such as medical necessity and bundling issues
  • Check the CCI edits to see if the diagnosis billed corresponds to the procedure billed and if it is a reimbursable code.